Hi all! The regularly scheduled club meeting for this coming Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. has been cancelled per Covid-19 cautions. We appreciate all of you! We know that the friendships and associations we have can be a bit harder to maintain w/o our monthly meetings. Please keep on keeping on, my understanding is that we will resume our regularly meetings as it's safe to do so. The club remains very much alive, and the meetings are on hold so that the same can be said of our members, as much as possible. In the mean time, my understanding is that the club claims continue to be active, and no change has been made to access, prospecting procedures or dues. If your dues are up, and you have submitted them but they have not yet been processed, we thank you for your continued patience. If your dues are due, then please make it a point to hold those funds for renewal - the club continues to have expenses while our income is down. I am working w/ the leadership to see how to make sure we continue to operate. Updates will be posted as we know them. So enjoy your cold weather mudhunting, we're all in this together. Heavy pans,