We'd like to remind everyone about the NUPA Christmas Dinner in two weeks, on
Saturday, December 14th at 6:00 pm at Golden Hours Senior Center 650 25th Street in Ogden
This is the same location as last year. The Weber County library main branch is on the west side of this block, and the Senior Center is on the south side (which is the north side of 25th street).
For those that are planning on coming and have not yet paid need to do so ASAP. Get payment to Bob Shriber or Brandon Peterson. The member price is $7 per person. Please make sure to get the money to them ASAP so we know how much food to order. We don't want anyone going without, and we don't want to have enough to feed all of Ogden.
Also a reminder for $20 gift exchange - nothing too big, too small, too bright, too dark, too cheap, too expensive, just something that's juuuuuuust right. Also if you had winning white ticket to bring treats.
If you absolutely must pay at the door, then please let a Brandon, Bob or another board member know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to get the food count right. Then, please also bring your $7 with you that night, if that's the case.
One last thing - I think I've updated this email list. If you're getting this in error, or know of someone who isn't, please remind me of the person and the email address.
Heavy pans,
