Hi all, With the launch of NUPAGold.org, we are seeing a few things we're working on: A) Google searches don't have NUPAGold.org optimized yet, so previous websites (some live, some de-listed) may show up. We're working on moving the content over. B) While the website "title" is nupagold.org (that's what should show up in your browser tabs), the term "MySite" is still showing in some searches and pages. That one is being addressed too. C) We're finding some artifacts of the default template that was used to build this site. If you come across something inaccurate or obnoxious, would you drop me a message and let me know about it? Any issues or problems can be routed through any member of the Board or myself, whatever works best for you. In the mean time, we'll see you at our next event, and as always, happy hunting!