Hi all, My apologies for the tardiness in getting this updated posted. Elections for the 2022 Board of Directors took place during the Christmas meeting held December 8, 2021 at Jeremiah's Restaurant in Ogden, Utah. The new board elected positions were filled as follows: President: Dave Taylor 1st Vice President: Doug Smuin
2nd Vice President: Jason Kendall Secretary: Sandy Patterson Treasurer: Frank Kuba We want to thank the service of the 2021 board, especially that of President Doug Smuin. He has done a great job in holding the club together during a full year of pandemic restrictions. We're grateful for his efforts and look forward to his continued service on the Board this coming year. We are hoping to make some major strides as the pandemic (hopefully!) begins to wind down in 2022. Look for future announcements about enhancements to membership processing, club service and features for our online presence! Heavy pans, Dave